Azores Fixed is a some sort of team composed by friends that travel to Azores to cycle around the islands with their fixed gear bikes.
2013 was the first time that the Bruno Sousa's idea come to fruition.
Normally the tour takes one week in summer and every year the team discover different islands.
In this presentation I will lead you thought the creation of jersey that we used during the 2015 tour.

Every edition of Azores Fixed has a new graphic style, with different people responsible for the design.
The logo is also reinvented, having in mind that it need to be adapted to different mediums and sizes such as stickers,
shirts and social media posts.
For the 2015 edition, I did the logo based in the teaser illustration created by hassimvaiomundo.

Azores has several mesmerising characteristics.
One of them is the amount of cows that you can see daily growing the grass freely near the road. People even say that there are more cows than people.
Having that in mind, I created a Polka dots pattern but instead of dots it have cows and time to time other iconic elements.

At 2013 while we were whale and dolphin watching, Ricardo Pinela had a striking idea and ran to Bruno Sousa to tell him.
That conversation was recorded and is part of the Azores Fixed 13 video.
Bellow is a visualisation of that moment and under a picture taken by Maria Rita from the tattoo done at Bang bang tattoo shop.

During this week we have few things in the agenda:
– At daytime we cycle, take pictures, spread stickers and explain to locals and tourists why we do what we do.
– At nighttime we put ice in the sore muscles, share stories and fall a sleep while discussing the best rout for the next day.
Bellow few pictures and video that besides other things, shows the crazy idea to climb up Pico mountain with a bike on our back just for the picture at the summit.